Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Contemplation on Evolution’s Faults

Evolution has a numerous amount of intellectual pit falls. To be honest, there have been too many to count, mainly because it’s wrong. But as I listened to a pastor preach about the image of God and what that means, something really struck a chord about Evolution. We, human beings, dwell on beauty and have emotions. We can feel, and not just vague feelings of sorrow like a dog whimpering after he is disciplined for chewing on its master’s slippers. But man can feel intensely, we are passionate beings.

We are people of passion because our Creator is a God of passion. We are created in His likeness, His image. Humans feel emotions. This simple fact cuts evolution at the knees. It paralyzes Darwinism. Evolution teaches that the key to life is survival. This is the key for every living cell, including people, animals, plants, everything. If that’s all we are here to do its quite pointless isn’t it? You might think I’m going on a tangent, but I’m getting to my point. According to Darwinism, every “evolutionary advance to human life” was for a reason – surviving. Yet, one must consider the question; do we need to feel to survive?

If life was simply about survival wouldn’t it have been easier (and a couple “million” years less) to numb our painfully pointless existence and simply not feel? It would make life a whole lot “easier!” It’s quite obvious that animals and plants do not feel the same way as humans. An evolutionary animal activist might say, no. But consider this, animals react to their environment, they are dependent upon their environment to know which emotion to display (Skinner was correct, other than the subject of course). E.g. a cat might be “happy,” but why? It just got fed. A cat might be “sad,” but why? You hid its favorite toy. The point is, an animal’s feelings are reactions to their various circumstances.

One might say that this is the same for people. A boy is sad, why? His father died. A woman is happy, why? She just got married. Are these reactions? Yes. But, what about those who are joyful in the face of disturbing and difficult situations? What about the people who are praising God, yet are being whipped and beaten for their faith? This separates us from animals and thus from evolutionary thought. This is not evolutionary; it is not in the best interest of the person displaying gratitude to God yet being led to the slaughter. This shows that true emotions, not just reactions but true emotions, disprove Darwinism’s claim about life being a simple struggle for existence.

If we have emotions, which we do, it is for a purpose. Otherwise, why? There are essentially two ways of life. You can either live for self, which includes all the systems of the world (evolution being one). Or, you can live for God, the system found in God’s Word. Are emotions for your own benefit? The obvious answer is no (unless it is done for God, which in turn God allows it to be a blessing to us). So logically, the only alternative is for God. Our emotions are for the benefit, or glory of God. Because once again, we are a people of passion because our Creator is the God of passion.

These conscious decisions to display emotion, to show passion is yet just another way the Designer is proven without the Bible (the irrefutably best illustration of God’s existence). Emotions are yet just another way to give glory and honor to the One who called us according to His Will. That’s my opinion. Take it or leave it. - Dean

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Brief Thought on the Time Taken for God to Create

Many scientists have studied creation. It’s only rational for a person to think, “Where have I come from?” Some have come to the right conclusion; that is that we are created beings by an intelligent designer. This designer is not just intelligent, He is the omniscient God. He is the God of Israel. He is Yahweh.

After one has come to this conclusion that God created everything, the question must be asked, “How long did it take?” The Bible provides the answer to this question in the book of Genesis. There are several views on this passage. The most prominent of these views are the gap theory, and the literal day theory.

The gap theory: In between Genesis 1 verses 1 and 2 is a gap. How long is this gap? Well, no one really knows. Some say that there were a few centuries, some say millions of years. This view essentially says that in between verses 1 and 2 God had a sort of “test-run” on creation where men (with Satan’s help) rebelled against God, to the point where God had to destroy the entire planet. The Biblical support for this view is very limited.

They say that in verse 2 when the reader sees that the Holy Spirit “moved across the waters” this phrase means that the Spirit protectively hovered over the waters. They say that this was done so that the Holy Spirit could protect earth from Satan. They also argue that verse 2 is all about judgment saying that “darkness” refers to evil judgment. But both of these arguments can be proven wrong fairly easily. Hovering can be meant to be protective, but it can also be a loving action by a loving Creator. And darkness is said to be good be God(vs 3, 31), so there’s no way that it can mean judgment. There was no gap, and no men before the first man – Adam. This view does not agree with the entirety of Scripture. This view is false.

The literal day theory: The Bible says over and over again in Genesis 1 that on this “day” this was created. The Bible says that all of creation took place in one week - 6 days of creation, and 1 day of rest. People like to take the word “day” and say that this word could mean any type of time. Henry Morris in his book Science and the Bible says, “Although the Hebrew word for “day” (yom) can occasionally mean a time of indefinite length if the context requires, such a usage is rare, and the word almost always does mean a literal day (i.e., either a twenty-four-hour period or the daylight portion of that period). He then goes on to say, “The use of a numeral with day (“first day,” and so on) or the boundary terms (“evening and morning”) are usages that elsewhere in the Pentateuch invariably require the literal meaning of “day.” (pg. 38)

This view would agree with the rest of the canon of the Bible. Exodus 20:11 says, “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” These are literal days. This is the basis of our time system, here (in Creation) we have the first week. This is how we know which is the seventh day; which day we should separate as the Sabbath day. The time God took to create the universe is a type of illustration for us to surround our time frame around. How amazing is God? He created everything in only six literal days. What a miracle, what a Creator!! There is none like Him (Psalm 86:8)! That's (not just) my opinion. Take it or leave it. - Dean