He came bearing witness of Himself with miracles. But did they listen to the much prophesied of Messiah? No, for the most part, they scorned Him. They rediculed Him. They decided to crucify Him. After the penalty was announced (much to the happiness of the crowd of Jews gathered at Pilate's palace), a garrison (a garrison was normally nearly 600 soldiers) of Roman soldiers took Him aside away from the public and mocked Him.
They stripped Him of His cloathes, and put a scarlet robe on Him. They took some thorns, twisted it into somewhat of a circle, and smushed it into place on His head claiming it to be His "crown." Then they nailed Him to a cross, but what they didn't know was that Sunday was coming...
If only we could truely grasp this amazing concept of God dying. I think that it would impact us in such a way that we would have no other choice than to serve Him with all of our hearts. That's my opinion. Take it or leave it. - Dean
very moving. i loved it!