It's been awhile, but I have too many classes, sorry. Anyways, lately I've been thinking about love. No, not the sappy kind, the true kind. The love of God. You see, I am a classic Baptist who thinks nay knows that the purpose of creation was for God to bring glory to Himself, but in that I believe that God wanted to bring glory to Himself through showing His infinite love to His Creation.
Think about it, God has done so much for us lowly men. Why? Because He loves us! How amazing!!! The Living God who created everything loves me, He loves you. Take some time to praise God today for His love for you. I know this is so simple to the Christian, but I'm a fan of the simple truths of the Bible; NEVER FORGET GOD'S LOVE!!!
As I was thinking about this astounding truth, I was going through John 3 in my Greek studies. And it left me in utter amazement of my Savior. I understood what defines true love. Love sacrificially gives, humbles itself, and it is active its alive.
Love Sacrificially Gives:
This can be seen clearly in this passage. Look at verse 16, God loved the world so what did He do? He gave us His precious and only Son. Verse 35, God loves His Son so what did He do? He gave Him all things under His control? A few chapters later Jesus shows how He loves us by giving His life on a rugged cross for our salvation from the penalty of sin.
You think these gifts were easy to give? Did it cost something to the giver. Absolutely it did/does!!! God gave the only Son He has!! Jesus gave His life!!! Not even to mention He became a servant for our sakes, the God of the universe (Read the Kanosis passage in Philippians 2). God gave everything to Christ's hand, I think that's a lot! In this same way we should give sacrificially to our Savior, why? Because we love Him!!! Whether its financially or actually doing something for God, we should be giving to Jesus. For those fo you who are truly giving, is it for the right motives? Is it because you love God? I know I had to reconsider my motives.
Love Humbles Itself:
In verse 30 John tells His disciples that He must decrease that Jesus would increase. John knew who Jesus was and He loved Him. This is why He willingly humbles himself. When true love is faced with the one whom it loves it will be humbled. Are you humble? Do you think highly of yourself and not as Highly as you should about Christ? I know I havn't been.
Love is Active/Alive:
All throughout this passage we can see that love isn't just a feeling, it's a conscious decision we make all the time. Through love we believe in the Son, and have eternal life. Through love God gives us His Spirit. Through love we bring glory to God. Through true love God is glorified.
Do we as Christians have this type of love for God? Or are we too concerned with our material wealth, friends, the stockmarket, our schooling, our comfortable pew? I know too many churches that have lost their first love because they did not give, humble themselves, or actively love their Savior. Don't forget Him in the business of life, ministry, and finances!!! Love Him!!! Why? HE LOVES YOU!!!!! That's my opinion. Take it or leave it. -Dean
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